Wild Inks | Molly Holmlund

White Salmon Wildflower Festival Art Workshop

Wild Inks
Molly Holmlund
Cost: $75
Location:  Gorge MakerSpace
Dates & Times: Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 31
Ages: 12+

Make an amazing array of color from wildflowers and other natural elements found and sustainably foraged in the Columbia River Gorge. Local artist and ink maker Molly Holmlund will lead you through the process of making and painting with natural inks.  Snacks included!

Molly Holmlund

Molly Holmlund is an artist, ink maker, and art educator living in the Columbia River Gorge. Fascinated by the process of hand-making ink, her work reveals a closer look into the many connections in nature.  You can follow Molly on Instagram @mollyholmlund and visit her website Foraged Ink.