Tea Lyn’s Art Gallery & Gift Shop Hosting Local Artists

Throughout the month of May, Tea Lyn’s will feature local art and artisan-made items celebrating local wildflowers through photography, mixed art collages, and paintings. Tea Lyn’s will have wildflower greeting cards, large prints, canvas shopping bags, and many more fun items for purchase.

To celebrate, Tea Lyn’s will offer free samples of flower-forward teas and snacks all month.

Also offered is an area for everyone to make sidewalk chalk art. Tea Lyn’s will be open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 12-6 in May.

Featured artists will be Ralph Daub, Robby Miller, Erik Tandberg, and Jordan Kim of Found & Rewound.

Jordan Kim – Found & Rewound

Jordan Kim of Found & Rewound is a mixed-media collage artist, an ecologist, and a mother. “My connections with others and the natural world have profoundly shaped my life and artwork,” says Jordan. Jordan’s big dream is to make a difference in this world by inspiring you to reconnect with your truest self and to honor your connections with the world around you.


Ralph Daub – White Salmon Wildflower Festival Featured Photographer

Ralph Daub finds healing in the deep appreciation of nature. “It is the beauty and timelessness of the wild outdoors that stays with me on each escape to nature,” explains Ralph.

I strive to capture these moments in unique perspectives. Glimmers of fleeting beauty and timeless vistas; the magic and wonder of the great outdoors.

Ralph creates his images in high-quality photography prints using a giclée printer and fine art paper in his home studio in White Salmon, Washington. His mission is to motivate people to enjoy and protect the outdoors and to find beauty in the world and themselves.  And to stop and smell the flowers.


Robby Miller – White Salmon Wildflower Festival Featured Photographer

“I’ve daydreamed about playing with cameras since I was a kid. Eventually, I took up photography as an adult as it gave me a great excuse to go out and explore, says Robby. He then immediately found that photography helps you look at the world in different and interesting ways, and forces you to slow down and take in the entire scene.