Healing Current Bodywork

Healing Current Bodywork offers Therapeutic table massage and Thai Therapy to aid in healing injuries, improve range of motion, and manage pain so you can continue living an active lifestyle and maintain your quality of life. My unique blend of therapies are also great tools in the practice of preventative care. Every session is customized to your goals and can include Thai Compresses, Hydro Therapy, Scraping and Cupping at no extra cost to help really address your needs.

I enjoy helping people relieve Jaw pain (TMJ), open up the SI joint and hips, relax the Psoas and pelvic floor as it comes to low back pain, help move lymph and decrease inflammation post-op, and loosen up and improve range of motion of shoulders with focused work. I also provide full-body relaxing sessions to unwind and destress from life’s antagonizers.

I hold a Bachelors in Anthropology from The University of Florida, attained my initial massage certificate from the Florida School of Massage, and am a life long student of Traditional Thai Therapy.

Denison Wiedman