Wildflower Photo Editing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop | Robby Miller

White Salmon Wildflower Festival Photography Workshop

Wildflower Photo Editing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
Robby Miller
Level: Advanced Beginner – Intermediate | Maximum participants: 6
Take your photography to the next level by learning start to finish digital darkroom workflows and processes in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. Learn to take full control of the digital negative to bring the best out of your photography.

Friday, 5/12/2023 | 5-7 pm
Saturday, 5/13/2023 | 10-12 am
Saturday, 5/13/2023 | 1-3pm
Need: laptop with Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop installed, Memory Card Reader, and a memory card full of RAW files to process or 5 – 10 photos already imported




Robby Miller

I’ve daydreamed about playing with cameras since I was a kid. Eventually, I took up photography as an adult as it gave me a great excuse to go out and explore. I immediately found that photography helps me to look at the world in different and interesting ways, and I really love how it forces me to slow down and take in the entire scene of wherever I am.

When I’m not lugging my camera gear around — actually, who am I kidding, half the time, I’m still lugging my camera gear around when I do this stuff— I enjoy mountain biking, skiing, being on or near the water, live music, web design, bowling and dirt racing highlights on Youtube.