Eden Grow Systems Announces Regulation Crowdfunding Campaign

Providing Food Sovereignty to the World, Eden Grow Systems crowdfunding campaign allows participants to have a stake in the company as it grows to next level.

Eden Grow Systems, a NASA spinoff, today announced the launch of a regulation crowdfunding campaign for the company’s innovative technology. Eden Grow Systems open crowdfunding campaign is providing investors with the opportunity to own a stake in its future and in advancing the AgTech ecosystem. The startup is striving to raise money to empower people in the face of an increasingly challenging food supply chain ensuring local, organic food is easy to source. Eden’s modular farming systems are empowering individuals, families, and businesses to innovate local food production that will allow them to easily grow their own food, wherever they are.

Eden Grow Systems created a closed-loop, self-sustaining system that can provide self-reliance for families and communities where fresh food is not readily available or in the event of disaster. The Eden Grow Systems’ Aeroponic Technology provides the ability for the full spectrum of fruits and vegetables to be grown.

“We call it food sovereignty. Our Grow Towers help provide people with independence from an increasingly unpredictable food supply,” said Jeff Raymond, Co-Founder, COO and CTO, Eden Grow Systems. “Bad weather, supply chain issues, pandemics, food deserts – these are the reasons we have developed the technology to supply reliable and healthy sources of food.”

“Our World is changing fast. The Post World War 2 global order of globalization is fracturing under the weight of economic disruptions, war, and supply chain breakdown. From every angle the system is buckling,” said Bart Womack, Founder and CEO, Eden Grow Systems. “If we want our children to grow up with the same abundance we have enjoyed we have to act now. At Eden Grow Systems we feel it is the right time to grow the company and with this crowdfunding campaign, every person that invests becomes a stakeholder in the company. We are a company BY the people, and FOR the people. Investing in us means you are investing in the hope for a better future.”

Eden Grow Systems produces a family of consumer and commercial solutions that automate, simplify and reduce the learning curve associated with growing food. With its modular solutions, consumers can grow their own food without prior farming knowledge. Eden’s flagship product, the Grow Tower, comes in multiple configurations that can be used in both consumer and commercial applications. The Grow Tower can support the entire spectrum of crops and can be wired to Eden’s 24/7 monitoring system to ensure farming success.

“The economic implications of this technology are staggering,” said Meagan Crawford, managing partner of SpaceFund, the company’s lead investor. “The technology was initially created on the International Space Station to be as efficient as possible. This technology has now been perfected and automated by Eden Grow Systems, allowing consumers to benefit from the lowest-cost, highest-yield growing technology in the solar system. Not only will consumer and commercial interests benefit from the availability of high quality food, but the cost reductions, and potential for income production will upend the current food industry.”

Eden Grow Systems is shaping the future of agricultural technology by championing and facilitating food independence. To find out more about the crowdfunding campaign, please visit: https://invest.edengrowsystems.com.