Call to Artists! “KEEP IT WILD” a wearable art show

Dear Artists, Friends and Creatives! ArrowLeaf Workshop is inviting artists / creatives to participate in a collaborative installation this May 2023!

Coming up this May is the inaugural White Salmon Wildflower Festival. ArrowLeaf wanted to participate this year with a month-long installation, “KEEP IT WILD- a wearable art show”- Creativity & Conservation in the Columbia River Gorge.

The overall intention and goal of this collaboration is to:

(1) Showcase local artists’ work to the community and its visitors!
(2) Bring focus to sustainability & conservation of our wildlands, keep them wild! What elements of the Columbia River gorge inspire your art practice? Or feel we couldn’t live without?
(3) Create a dynamic installation of wearable one of a kind bandanas that teach, promote, or call to action on the topic of sustainability or conservation of our wild flora and fauna in the Columbia Gorge. These works of art will be sold for profit and split 50/50 between the artist and Arrowleaf. Each artist may dictate their selling price.

Opening Reception for installation will be Wednesday, May 3rd 6-7pm

We plan to publish a free coloring booklet to express our conviction to keep the Gorge Wild, and not to pick or poach the beauty that thrives here. This way during the festival we are appreciating the beauty of the wildflowers while also making the greater focus of conservation.

Our installation, “KEEP IT WILD- a wearable art show” will commemorate the month & will showcase a collection of works by participating artists.

Here is our proposal to artists:
KEEP IT WILD-A Wearable Art Show! Here at ArrowLeaf, we focus a lot on wearable works of art; Jewelry, Garments, & Adornments. We have chosen 100 organic cotton 22″x22″ bandanas as a canvas for this installation! These can be decorated & created any way you desire; Paint, Print, Dye, Embellish etc. Bandanas have a long history that can be both practical and loaded with meaning. This square of cotton is again showing up everywhere in our culture, and we thought lets use it to make a statement about creativity and conservation in the Columbia River Gorge.

The bandanas will be displayed for the entirety of the festival here in the shop, each artist may dictate the price of their bandana(s) The selling price will be split evenly between Artist and Arrowleaf. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your work; whether simple, or rooted in meaning! It is a chance to contribute to the betterment of our hills & our wildflowers, by showcasing artworks that bring our community in to appreciate & learn. Organic cotton bandana will be provided, choose 1-3 entries. This show is open to all who would like to participate or untill all 100 bandanas are claimed.

Deadline for the project is April 28, 2023! Contact Arrowleaf, We’d love to get you a bandana to pour your creativity on as soon as possible.
Many Thanks!! And pass this on to any creatives you know who may want to participate.