David’s Organic Coffee

David Roche has spent his life working with coffee growers worldwide. Years were spent finding and certifying the rare coffees in this blend of David’s Organic Coffee. Through his work with the global coffee industry, he is involved with community development and several sustainable coffees at origin.

davids_organic_coffeeDavid’s Moka/ Sumatran Certified Organic Coffee blend was created because it is the classic balance of body and acidity discovered by the Dutch centuries ago. Moka (Ethiopia) is noted for the spicy, fruity, acidic flavor. The earthy Sumatran beans in this signature blend characterize the other key attribute, body. Savor the tangy but smooth, balanced flavor and medium body of this coffee and be hooked forever and be comforted by his commitment to organics.

David did not just select these fine coffees from his friends in Ethiopia and Sumatra; he also did extensive consumer research to make sure the roast profile fit this classic blend. Once this coffee was received, it was tested extensively to determine the ideal roast profile for these specific coffees. There are two primary traits sought by “cuppers” in the coffee profession, acidity and body along with many more complex flavors.

monk_MokhaRecently the White Salmon Library book club selected New York Times bestseller The Monk of Mokha written by Dave Eggers for the monthly read.  This is an incredible true story of a young Yemeni-American man, Mokhtar Alkhanshali, raised in San Francisco, who dreams of resurrecting the ancient art of Yemeni coffee but finds himself trapped in by civil war.

David was an important part of the story and to this day is a good friend and associate of Mokhtar.  With a master’s degree in horticulture, past experience transitioning sugarcane plantations to 500 acres of coffee in West Maui, and 16 years of experience driving growth in global coffee programs, David was an asset in helping Mokhtar help Yemen share its lost treasure of coffee to the world.

You can purchase David’s Organic Coffee at Harvest Market, Dickey’s Farm Store and the Trout Lake Grocery.
