London Acres | Kim London

Meet Kim London, owner of London Acres, a regenerative farm nestled in Snowden, WA. Alongside tending to her pasture-raised flocks of chickens and Idaho Pasture Pigs, Kim channels her love for food into her artisan craft of handmade aprons.

With a flair for the unique and unconventional, her aprons boast fun and funky designs, ranging from retro prints to bold skulls and playful pinups. Each apron is a work of art, fully reversible and equipped with pockets, elastic necks, and extra-long ties for ultimate functionality.

Kim’s creations come in sizes for adults, big kids, and little ones, ensuring that everyone can embrace the joy of cooking in style. Dive into Kim’s world where farm-to-table meets artisanal craftsmanship, and let her aprons become your kitchen’s ultimate companion.

Instagram: @Londonacres